Dear AHRI colleagues,
We hope you are off to a wonderful and productive new semester. There are many exciting things coming up for 2022.
We hope you find opportunities to participate in some of the highlighted events from our member institutes in the newsletter.
A brief reminder to update your institute's finance contact details by sending a brief message to the email, before invoices for 2022 membership fees go out.
- The AHRI Secretariat |
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Featured Institute: Institute of Democracy and Human Rights (IDEHPUCP),Pontifical Catholic University, Peru |
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"The Institute of Democracy and Human Rights (IDEHPUCP) is an academic unit of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, whose purpose is aimed at strengthening democracy and the validity of human rights in Peru. Idehpucp's work is carried out, in practice, through academic and professional training, applied research, the generation of spaces for dialogue and debate, and the promotion of public policies in civil society and the State. In all its activity, Idehpucp is committed to mainstreaming the gender approach."
There are a number of upcoming events hosted by IDEHPUCP.
The presentation of the book: Migrant Trajectories: February 23, 17:30, Broadcast via Zoom and Facebook Live. You can register for the event here. |
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IDEPHCP also invite people to register for a new course titled:
IX International Refresher Course on the Inter-American Human Rights System: Gender, Intersectionality, and Diversity
For the ninth consecutive year, the Institute of Democracy and Human Rights of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (IDEHPUCP) presents the International Refresher Course on the Inter-American Human Rights System. This online course aims at students, professionals, or anyone with a particular interest in the responses and actions to guarantee the rights of women and the LGTBIQ community.
In the first part, the course includes an overview of the Human Rights Protection Systems, with special emphasis on the Inter-American Human Rights System. In the second part, the course offers an introduction to key concepts, legislation, in relation to gender, intersectionality, and diversity.
The course includes synchronous and asynchronous activities in a virtual platform. The current edition will be held in partnership with the Rene Cassin Foundation, so the students who pass the course will be certified by both institutions. Click here for more information. |
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The Centre for Human Rights at the University of Pretoria, South Africa, will host the AHRI 2022 conference at its Future Africa campus on 2-3 September 2022, preceded by a doctoral/early researcher workshop on 1 September. The theme of the conference will be technology and human rights with panels on the following themes:
Track 1: Surveillance and vulnerability
Track 2 Survival and sustainability
Track 3: Democratic participation and accountability
Abstracts and panel proposals should be submitted to the organisers by 31 March 2022. The full call for papers will be available in January 2022.
The conference will be presented in hybrid format with the possibility of presenting papers in person or online.
Read the full call here, ahri_2022_call_for_papers |
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Helena Kennedy Centre for International Justice, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom
New report on Financing AND Genocide: Development Finance and the Crisis in the Uyghur Region
The Forced Labor Lab at Sheffield Hallam University's Helena Kennedy Centre,, in partnership with the non-profit research organization NomoGaia,, produced a new report on Financing & Genocide: Development Finance and the Crisis in the Uyghur Region,
The report, authored by Professor Laura Murphy, Nyrola Elimä and Kendyl Salcito, was published by the Atlantic Council, The report reflects the findings of 18 months of investigation into the International Finance Corporation's (IFC) investments in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. The report focuses on four companies operating in the region that together have received nearly half a billion dollars in financing from the IFC and are active participants in coercive state-sponsored labor and land transfer programs. The findings of the report reveal that the companies are at very high risk of violating numerous of IFC's own Performance Standards, including many related to labor standards and environmental hazards, but they are nonetheless still clients. Taxpayer revenue funds these projects through the IFC, and so there is reason for all of us to be concerned. |
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Danish Institute for Human Rights
Summary of session on: “National Human Rights Institutions as digital rights watchdog”
The session looked at how the NHRI mandate areas are challenged by technology and what opportunities technology provides in fulfilling these with a view to establishing an alliance of NHRIs who wants to increase their engagement with the digital rights agenda. The participants also explored the particular role that NHRIs can play in each of the NHRI mandate areas, such as complaints-handling, monitoring & reporting, awareness-raising and advice to the government.
Pleazse read the full report here. T4D -Summary of main points from session on NHRIs |
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Centre for Applied Human Rights, University of York, UK
In search of protection, justice and the truth: journalists’ responses to impunity in Mexico and Honduras
New research from Dr Tamsin Mitchell at the Centre for Applied Human Rights, University of York, explores journalists’ responses to escalating violence in Mexico and Honduras. Based on interviews with journalist-human rights defenders and protection actors, this paper details the strategies journalists use to seek justice and protection.
Click here to read more.
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FRA (European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights)
Selected Recent Publications
Selected upcoming publications:
Selected recent events:
Selected upcoming events:
- 21 February: Deadline is closing: FRA is looking for data collection and research services on fundamental rights in Greece and Sweden. The organisations will become part of FRANET, the Agency’s multidisciplinary research network. It is composed of contractors in each EU Member State, the UK, North Macedonia and Serbia who, upon request, provide relevant data to FRA on fundamental rights issues. Their work facilitates FRA’s comparative analyses.
- 22 and 23 February: FRA participates in the conference " Initial training of justice professionals serving the rule of law" organised jointly by the French Council Presidency, Ecole nationale de la magistrature and the European Commission. FRA will present its Charter related work including its Fundamental Rights Charter materials and tools.
Other information of interest:
- Check FRA publications here.
- Check FRA news here.
- Subscribe the FRA newsletter here.
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AHRI Members' events and calls |
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- Call for Panels: One Ocean Hub research Project
- Event: Migrant Trajectories: The Venezuelen Youth in Peru
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Centre for the Study of Human Rights Law, University of Strathclyde, UK
Call for Panels
Deadline: February 28, 2022
The One Ocean Hub research project has contributed to the call for panels for the 2022 GNHRE-UNEP School for Human Rights and the Environment. The theme for this year's Summer/Winter School is: Water – oceans to taps. Please see the full call for panels.
We invite AHRI researchers interested in ocean governance, and who are interested in partnering with us to develop a panel proposal, to get in touch. Please contact us on: (One Ocean Hub Director) and (One Ocean Hub Co-Investigator). |
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The Institute of Democracy and Human Rights ( IDEHPUCP), Pontifical Catholic University, Peru
Deadline: February 23, 2022
Blouin, C., Borios, S., Cavagnoud, R., Gamio, G., Huaita, M., Salmón, E., Vega, P. y Vigo, C. (2021). Migrant trajectories: the Venezuelan youth in Peru. Lima: PUCP.
Although Peru has not been characterized as a country of destination for migrants throughout its history, in the last five years it has become one of the main destinations for the migration of Venezuelan citizens. In response to this recent massive phenomenon, researchers from the Interdisciplinary Research Group on Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (GRIDEH by its acronym in Spanish) analyze from an interdisciplinary perspective the multiple factors that frame the migratory trajectories and the experiences of the Venezuelan youth in Peru. The study presents a mapping of the most importantes contributions from the academy, international organizations and civil society. The book represents an advance in the field of Latin American migration studies, which are essentials in the light of the current mass migration. It is also an essential contribution to generate dialogue and changes in public policies on migration.
As part of the research process, 51 interviews were collected with young Venezuelan whose ages fluctuate between 18 and 35 years old in the city of Lima, Tumbes and Tacna. During the selection process, the researchers take into account (1) the stage of the migratory process in which the migrant is, (2) the level of education and (3) the sex and gender. In this way, within the group of interviewees were people with diverse experience of migration -recent and distant-. Additionally, public officials from the three selected cities of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Organization for Migration were interviewed. Also, national and international regulations on migration were reviewed, as well as official statistical sources.
The presentation of the book will take place in a virtual public event co-organized with the Place of Memory on February 23 at 5:30 p.m (Peruvian time). The program of the event will be published on the website of the Institute for Human Rights Democracy and its social networks. You can register for the event here.
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Reminders: AHRI Members' Events and Calls |
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- Call for Application: University of Gothenburg Vacancy
- Call for Applications: Helena Kennedy Centre Sanctuary Scholarship
- Call for Applications: The GREAT Scholarship for Justice and Law
- Call for Contributions: European Yearbook on Human Rights 2022
- Call for Applications: Postdoctoral Fellowships at the Minerva Centre for Human Rights
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School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Deadline: February 28, 2022
The School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg advertises a doctoral position in Peace and Development Research – with a focus on legal mobilization in Sápmi. The doctoral position is affiliated with the research project “Litigating land rights in Sápmi: Indigenous legal mobilization in Finland, Norway and Sweden.”
For more information, click here. |
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Helena Kennedy Centre for International Justice, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Call for Applications
Deadline April 19, 2022
Helena Kennedy Centre Sanctuary Scholarship
Sheffield Hallam University offers three Sanctuary Scholarships per academic year to support talented students who have sought asylum in the UK. One of them is the Helena Kennedy Centre Sanctuary Scholarship for MA or LLM Applied Human Rights course.
Deadline: 19 April 2022, 23:55
Read more here.
The GREAT Scholarship for Justice and Law
Deadline: May 31, 2022
The GREAT Scholarships for justice and law are jointly funded by Sheffield Hallam University with the UK government’s GREAT Britain campaign and the British Council. They are exclusively for students domiciled in Nigeria and India, starting one of the following full-time postgraduate taught courses in September 2022. The scholarship provides a £10,000 tuition fee waiver for the first year of study on one of the following courses:
- MA Applied Human Rights - LLM Applied Human Rights - MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice - LLM Legal Professional Practice
Deadline: 31 May 2022
Read more here. |
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European Training and Research Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, University of Graz, Austria
Call for Contributions
Deadline: March, 2022
European Yearbook on Human Rights 2022
The European Yearbook on Human Rights is shedding light on current human rights topics of concern and the most pressing issues that impair human rights protection, the rule of law and democracy in Europe and beyond. With special sections dedicated to the three main organisations securing human rights in Europe (EU, Council of Europe and OSCE) as well as a section on cross-cutting issues the Yearbook provides much-needed analysis and insightful commentary.
The Yearbook is supported by three major Austrian human rights institutions dedicating their work to researching, teaching and promoting human rights – the European Training and Research Centre for Human Rights and Democracy of the University of Graz, the Austrian Human Rights Institute of the University of Salzburg and the Vienna Forum for Democracy and Human Rights – and the Global Campus of Human Rights, Venice. It is published by Intersentia and all contributions are subject to a double-blind review process ensuring the highest academic standards.
We welcome submissions concerning human rights developments within the major European institutions namely the EU, the CoE and the OSCE. Articles concerning a topic not related to one of the aforementioned institutions but dealing with current and topical human rights developments will be taken into consideration as well.
Authors will be invited to submit full contributions based on an abstract (max 500 words) that should be send by 15 December 2020. Abstracts should be submitted with a short bio to
The deadline for submitting the manuscript is end of March 2022.
For further information on the European Yearbook on Human Rights, click here. |
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Minerva Center for Human Rights, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Call for Applications
February 20, 2022- March 1, 2022
Postdoctoral Fellowships at the Minerva Center for Human Rights at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Minerva Center for Human Rights at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem is pleased to announce two new calls for 2022-23 Postdoctoral Fellowships.
The first is the Minerva Postdoctoral Fellowship in Transitional Justice. Note that two such Fellowships are available – one at our Center at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the other at our sister-Center at Tel-Aviv University – but there is one unified application procedure. Submission deadline for these Fellowships is February 20, 2022. The call can also be viewed here.
The second is the Minerva Angel Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research against Hate and Bigotry: This Fellowship is available only at our Center at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Submission deadline for this Fellowship is March 1, 2022. The call can also be viewed here.
Decisions on both Fellowships can be expected by the end of March 2022. |
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