Association of Human Rights Institutes

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Member Institutions

AHRI currently consists of 80 member institutions. Please visit their home pages for information about their institutional activities

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The AHRI conference is where member institutions gather to coordinate and plan their research through working group seminars and to discuss current issues in defined research areas.

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The Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI), is a network of over 80 (and growing) member institutes that carries out research and educational activities in the field of human rights. The member institutes are from over 30 different countries spanning all continents. AHRI’s objective is to bring together human rights researchers from across the disciplines, to facilitate the exchange of ideas and collaboration, and to promote research, education and discussion in the field of human rights. AHRI is supportive of PhD researchers and the facilitation of exchange between the different member institutes.

A selection of recent books published by members of the AHRI network can be found by following the link below. 


AHRI 2024

The AHRI Conference 2024, Human rights in a polarised world, was hosted by Raoul Wallenberg Institute for Human Rights and Humanitarian law at Lund University, Sweden, 12-14 September 2024. 
For more information, visit the conference website.

AHRI 2023

AHRI 2023, Human Rights Defenders Under Siege, was a success. Check out the conference page for more by using the link below. 

Bilbao AHRI 2023


Latest News


  • CAS in Responsible Business Conduct (RBC) 2025: The Application is now open!

After the successful programme launch earlier this year, the Centre for Human Rights at the University of Zurich is pleased to announce that applications are now open for the 2025 Certificate in Advanced Studies (CAS) in Responsible Business Conduct! The course aims to support professionals seeking a continuing education programme to enhance their skills in the dynamic field of RBC. By adopting a practical approach emphasising risk-based due diligence, participants will acquire the tools necessary to harmonise business practices with the principles of RBC, incl. human rights and environmental sustainability. 

This practice-oriented CAS in RBC is a fully online study programme in English and starts in February 2025. The application deadline for the 2025 programme is 31 October 2024. For detailed information and the application process, please visit:


  • Call for Papers – MenschenRechtsMagazin

MRM is constantly looking for contributions in German and English for the upcoming issues. Contributions can be submitted directly via website at The MRM is published twice a year at the beginning of the summer and winter semesters. The MRM offers the possibility to publish articles in the “Essay” section, which are subject to a double-blind peer review process. Comments, controversies, short articles or event-related discussions are welcome in the general “Contributions” section. The editorial team is also interested in case discussions and book reviews. Articles in the “Contributions” section, as well as case discussions and book reviews, are subject to editorial review. “Essays” and “Contributions” should not exceed 10,000 words (including footnotes). They should be preceded by a German and English abstract of no more than 200 words and 5-10 keywords in German and English. Case discussions should not exceed the word limit of 5,000 words (including footnotes). They should be preceded by approximately five key sentences in German and English. Individual book reviews should not exceed the word limit of 5,000 words (including footnotes). In the case of collective reviews or in individual cases, the length may be extended by agreement. Further information on the categories and guidelines for authors can be found on our website at  

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact them at


  • Call for Papers TEGL Annual Conference

Maastricht University is pleased to invite scholars, practitioners, and experts to this year’s TEGL Annual Conference titled “Re-imagining Law for Sustainable Globalisation: Navigating Uncertainty in a Globalised Era”. The conference will take place in Maastricht on December 16-17, 2024, supported by the Sector Plan ‘Transformative Effects of Globalisation and Law’ and the Globalisation and Law Network. PhD Session: the Conference will also feature a PhD session, aimed at fostering discussions on the role of law in coping with uncertainties raised by different global crises. PhD candidates are invited to share their work and receive feedback from peers and senior scholars. Submission Guidelines: Abstracts of no more than 500 words are invited for paper and panel proposals. Please submit your proposals and a short bio (of max. 200 words) by the 15th of September 2024.  To get an idea of specific topics or issues that could be discussed, visit the website page:

 For any information, contact


  • Call for Application: Fully Funded PhD Opportunity at the Irish Centre for Human Rights in the field of Islamic Law and Gender

The Irish Centre for Human Rights, School of Law, University of Galway is pleased to offer one doctoral scholarship in the field of Islamic Law and Gender. The selected candidate will be supervised by Professor Roja Fazaeli and supported by a Graduate Research Committee. The candidate will work closely with the research team working on the European Research Council funded project ‘Building Conceptual and Methodological Expertise for the Study of Gender, Agency and Authority in Islam (BILQIS)’. The Scholarship is tenable for a maximum of four years, renewable every year subject to satisfactory progress and recommendation by the Graduate Research Committee. Interested candidates should submit the following:

  1. Curriculum vitae (maximum three pages)
  2. An academic writing sample (e.g., published article, policy report, NGO report, or graduate writing sample)
  3. In addition to the above, you mustsubmit the following documents:
  4. PhD proposal (setting out the project’s aims in relation to BILQIS, objectives, research questions, and a research schedule) (max three pages).
  5. An outline of the proposed research methodology (how the applicant intends to carry out the proposed research), max two pages.
  6. Two academic references: Please note that the applicant must contact his/her referees to ensure that references are received before the closing date/time for this scholarship.
  7. All academic transcripts.
  8. Applicants whose first language is not English must submit satisfactory evidence of competence in written and spoken English, i.e., overall IELTS 6.5 (including a minimum of 6.5 in the reading and writing parts and no part below 6.0) or 90 in the TOEFL iBT (with a minimum of 22 (reading) and 24 (writing) and no part below 20.)
  9. Fluency in Arabic and/or Norwegian or Swedish is highly desirable.

The required documentation, including letters of reference, should be emailed to no later than 5 pm July 26th 2024.

For more info, visit 


  • Call for papers: Human Rights Paper Session, World Human Rights Cities Forum, Gwangju, 11 October 2024

The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, the International Centre for the Promotion of Human Rights at the Local and Regional Levels under the auspices of UNESCO, the UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Human Security, University of Graz, the Chonnam National University May 18 Institute, and Gwangju International Center are co-hosting the 9th Human Rights Paper Session as a part of the 14th World Human Rights Cities Forum (WHRCF), being held in Gwangju, South Korea from the 10th to the 11th of October, 2024 are inviting papers to be presented related to the present call on “Civic Space and Human Rights Cities”, which will also include papers related to human rights in urban settings. Selected papers will be presented on-site during the WHRCF. Presenters will also be invited to submit their papers for consideration in the December 2024 issue of “The Journal of Democracy and Human Rights”, a peer reviewed, Korean Citation Index (KCI) indexed journal that is published by the May 18 Institute, Chonnam National University. Presenters are also encouraged to consider submitting their papers to the European Yearbook on Human Rights, co-edited by the UNESCO Chair, University of Graz, provided the topic includes a European perspective. Abstract Submission Deadline July 19, 2024; Acceptance notification August 1, 2024; Paper Submission Deadline September 13, 2024; Presentation Material Submission Deadline September 30, 2024; Paper Presentation at the 14th WHRCF October 11, 2024 16:30-18:30 KST.

Interested applicants should submit an abstract (not exceeding 500 words) to the following email address:
Please, notice that the following information must be included in your submission:
– The author’s name and affiliation
– A short biography (100 words) to be included in the abstract itself
– The author’s CV, including a relevant list of publications (maximum 800 words)
– The author’s contact details, including email address and telephone numbers
– All information should be submitted in MS-Word format.
Full Paper Submission
Selected authors should submit the advance draft of their papers prior to the Forum. Papers should be at least 2,000 words, not counting the bibliography, and they should follow the APA stylesheet in MS-Word format. The deadline for submission of the advance draft is September 13, 2024.
Paper Presentation at the Forum
Accommodation costs (3 nights) will be covered for presenters coming from abroad. For more info, visit


  • Call for Papers – Peace Human Rights Governance

Peace Human Rights Governance (PHRG), the open access journal of the University of Padova Human Rights Centre “Antonio Papisca”, welcomes original articles for the ensuing issues. The Journal, which has just renewed its editorial board, is interested in contributions that deal with the broader human rights debate, with specific attention to issues related to actors, processes and norms that shape its global agenda and may contribute to establish a more peaceful and just world order. Articles can consider these issues at either the local, national, regional and global/international level or from a multi-level perspective. PHRG mainly publishes four types of original scholarly contributions: research articles, practitioner papers (human rights field notes), policy papers and review papers (for more details, see Manuscripts, formatted following the journal’s form and style guidelines, should be sent to by 22nd September 2024.  The Journal, which contributes to the Padova Human Rights Centre’s vision of promoting the realisation of a culture founded on universal values such as human rights, peace, preservation of the environment, and international solidarity in the field of academic publishing is also supported by the University of Padova UNESCO Chair in Human Rights, Democracy and Peace. Following peer review, accepted papers are immediately published with a DOI in the “online first” section of the site, and then collected into periodic issues (six-monthly).  All published articles, the members of the international editorial board and all relevant information about the journal aims, vision and ethical code are available at:

For more of our Member Institutes News and Calls visit our News page.